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The Round House

Water Witching Exhibition

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Aistear" is a video installation work that was featured in the exhibition Water Witching.

The photographic work work explores themes of memory and loss and the passage of time.

These locations were once lived in, they are places  that I know very little about or whom the original inhabitants were.I have returned to these rooms over and over and responded to the material that I found therein, in particular the large windows, the blue furniture and the sea views. 

"The House is Leaving Me" is the title of a series of images featured in my 2021 exhibition "Aistear". The title is a reference to memory and place and speaks to the theme of childhood and the passage of time, and the way that our experiences and perceptions of the world change as we age. The reference to my mother's declining memory and her return to her childhood home speaks to the way that our memories can be both a comfort and a source of sorrow, as we struggle to hold onto the past while also moving forward.

This series of images is part of a larger ongoing body of work that explores the idea of the presence of place. By focusing on the theme of memory and the relationship between people and their surroundings, I am inviting the viewer to consider the role that place plays in shaping our experiences and identities. I believe that this is a rich and complex theme, and one that has the potential to speak to people on a deeply personal level.




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 Round House  

 From Water Witching 

Super 8 film

This short Super 8 film projection featured in the exhibition Aistear in 2021

It is also part of the series 'The House is Leaving Me'.

The work is centered around the ideas of home, memory, and loss.

It also part of a larger ongoing body of work that explores the idea of presence of place.   

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